Auf Wiedersehen/ Its not goodbye but rather “until I see you again.”

9 Sep


I have been wanting to write and start blogging again for the past couple days. But I couldn’t find the right words. Yesterday I came across something that I wrote the day I left Graz and just so everyone knows it has been a year and two months since I have been away from the city that stole my heart. But I came across a letter that left me with so many emotions, mainly feeling extremely happy that I met the people I did on exchange and that I still talk to these people every day. I am so fortunate to have met every single one of them and I could not have asked for better people to experience all the craziness with! Unfortuately, I was crying so much when I pulled away from the train station that I was only able to write about five people. So I bet you can  guess what my next post will be about, everyone else I didn’t write about 🙂 

 To the five people I was able to write about: Thank you for making Graz the best and most exciting time of my life. 


Leesa– Oh there is so much to say about my lil nugget! These past 5 months with you have been amazing. Can’t even begin to explain how you have impacted my life. You have shown me there is more to the world than what I once knew.  Our differences honestly bonded us in more ways than I ever thought. I honestly look up to you more than you can ever imagine, I mean its unbelievable to think you went 5 months without tasti, your family, and friends and still managed to smile every day. You, my friend ( haha hope you get that), will be greatly missed. Our dinners, pre lashes, phone calls, shopping dates, will forever be cherished memories in my heart. I love you leeser!!!


Courtney– I am so thankful for you, and could not have gotten through these past 5 months or past week without you calming me down! Even though, we are so different I feel like you have always understood me. I mean it is a marathon and not sprint, right? The first month in Graz with you and your cutie pink backpack were amazing. Going from the bank, to the drei store, to the half price bakery, to get a hotdog at hauptplatz were crazy amazing  times and I wouldn’t change them for the world.  The past 5 months were better than I could have ever asked for in terms of friendship with you.  I know that you “ just got too Hott and had to leave,” and that Ill be seeing you soon! LOVE YOU COURT.


Madi– Thank goodness I will be seeing you in a day! These past 5 months were everything I hoped they would be.. I am forever grateful for out friendship and am so excited to see you at home. The fact that we have each other is honestly what held me together this week. I know I can count on your for anything lady! Still am in shock that you were the one who suggested a taxi on our last night in Graz!!!  I love you and am so glad we became such good friends and am so thankful I’ll be seeing you in the GREATEST fly over state we call home…


Mindy– telling you goodbye at the train station nearly broke my heart. I never thought that at the beginning of time in Graz I would have had such a hard time telling you goodbye! I loved getting to know everything about you, especially what I learned in the WC of the Office Pub with court that super bowl night! You truly are beautiful inside and out and have been such a great friend to me! I’ll never forget the time we ran into each other in Wien and my mom saying, “It seemed as if you had known her forever.” I really had felt that way because you understand things about me in a way that no one understands. I love that our families got to hangout and see what our daily life consists of in Graz, all they really need to know was that the OFFICE PUB is our 2nd home, haha. If there is one thing I would want you to know is that I cannot thank you enough for always getting me to enjoy Graz as much as possible. You made me get out when I didn’t want you and helped me to leave Europe and truly say that, “I made the most of my time abroad and am leaving with no regrets.” Gasse wants you to know that she loves you and could not imagine her friendship without you!

Julia– I can’t say enough how thankful I am for you these past 5 months! You are amazing friend, cook( haha) and person! I loved getting to know you and the only reason I was actually happy to say goodbye to you yesterday was because I knew I would be seeing soon at our real home!  The amount of times that we laughed a day is insane when we were together. Whether it was us laughing about German and not understanding Andrea, or us laughing at Doug trying to use the hip and cool abbreviations, we were always laughing!! I love that I knew if I wanted to talk about GREEK life I could come to you and you would listen. You would listen to anything I had to say, and trust me I know that’s difficult at times because I say a lot J Can’t wait to see you back home love!!


I thought It was also very fitting that this post was titled “Auf Wiedersehen” because I have seen 4 out of 5 people since being back in the United States. Don’t worry though Leeser ill make it to toronto soon! 

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